It is completely possible to connect several computers on an internet connection A2CNet.
If you subscribed to the offer MégaMAX, the A2C’Box will be supplied to you. It is Wireless Router which will allow you to connect your various computers, pda, tablets, games consoles…
If you did not choose the offer MégaMAX, it is then possible to add a point of WiFi access “classic” behind your internet connection A2CNet.
The VoIP allows you to free yourselves from your classic telephone line and at the same time, more need to pay the expenses of it. All which you need is an access to High-speed Internet!
They will pay the price of a classic call towards France, local or national according to the place of emission of the call, and this whatever is the place where you are.
Indeed, a new phone number in 09 will be attributed.
On the other hand, you can benefit from the portability of your number on our network. It will be necessary for it to specify it on your voucher of registration or to subscribe to the specified option.
No filtering is set up on the internet access. You can thus use all applications as on a classic ADSL connection
Yes, it’s operationnal with all the operating system !( Mac OS, Windows 98, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Linux…).
On every subscription, you ll have a unlimited & a permanent internet connexion.
It doesn’t exist any billing attached to the amount or the time of your connexions.
For all A2Cnet wireless network, we made a closed network structure with an unique identification system and some of the best anti-intrusion system. It ll be impossible for your neighbour or for a curious visitors to check your emails or files.
The only way of payment is in direct debit. You have to send back your bank autorization when you send your WifiMax Internet contract.